
Three years on, we still need to learn from Magufuli

Three years have passed since the demise of Tanzania’s fifth President, the late Dr John Magufuli, on March 17, 2021. His tenure left an indelible mark on Tanzania’s political landscape, reshaping the discourse and administration of public affairs in significant ways.

Magufuli’s legacy transcends his time in office, offering profound lessons in governance, patriotism, accountability, and servant leadership. Central to Magufuli’s legacy is his unwavering commitment to making tough decisions and seeing them through with decisive action.

His leadership exemplified the capacity to initiate and implement ambitious infrastructure projects. It was during Magufuli’s tenure that the government started implementing such huge projects as the standard gauge railways (SGR), the Julius Nyerere Hydro Power Project (JNHPP), the Kigongo-Busisi Bridge,the construction of flyovers in Dar es Salaam and completing moving the Capital to Dodoma.

Some of these projects had been on the drawing board for about 50 years. But these projects also stand as tangible evidence of Magufuli’s determination to drive progress and development in Tanzania. It is nevertheless crucial to highlight the fact that Magufuli’s tenure was not without its shortcomings.

His approach occasionally veered from constitutional principles. From his faults, we learn the importance of adhering to the rule of law and governing with a sense of detachment from emotional impulses.

Indeed, the lessons from Magufuli’s successes and failures underscore the foundational principles of democracy and a respect for constitutional dispensation. The lessons emphasise the imperative of leaders operating within the bounds of legal frameworks, respecting institutional checks and balances, and acknowledging the limitations of individual authority.

No individual, regardless of their position, should wield unchecked power. Instead, leadership must be characterised by a commitment to transparency, accountability, and collaboration, as enshrined in constitutional provisions that provide checks and balances. Magufuli’s presidency serves as a reminder that power should be distributed and shared in accordance with constitutional mandates.

Inspiration and caution

Moving forward, Magufuli’s serves as both a guidepost and a cautionary tale for Tanzania’s future. As the country charts its course ahead, it is essential that the lessons of his presidency inform and inspire efforts to build a stronger, more inclusive, and prosperous Tanzania for generations to come.

Regrettably, despite the insights gleaned from Magufuli’s tenure, many public officials have yet to fully internalise these lessons. It is incumbent upon all stakeholders—public servants, politicians, and leaders across sectors—to heed the key takeaways and strive for positive change.

As we reflect on the past three years since Magufuli’s passing, let us seize this opportunity to learn from his legacy and forge a path towards a more prosperous and democratic Tanzania. It is within our power to build upon his achievements, learn from his mistakes, and usher in a new era of governance characterised by accountability, transparency, and respect for the rule of law.

The time for change is now, and it is upon each of us to play our part in shaping Tanzania’s future for the better.

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